Monday 30 April 2012


Tango is supposed to be the most erotic dance in the world but for anyone who prefers to dance mano e mano, getting up close and personal with a senorita is about as arousing as the Macarena. Luckily there's a new option for those who would rather dance cheek to grizzly cheek. Queer Tango has arrived in London and is catching on with anyone who's ever felt they don't belong in a milonga - the place or event at which tango is danced.
Already a hit in Europe (Germans have been practising Queer Tango for years now), New York and South America, the UK has been slow on the uptake, but the dance is gaining traction in London's gay community as couples take to the milongas of central London and Shoreditch.
It offers men and women the chance to strut their stuff in same-sex partnerships. This isn't just tango in drag, though. Queer Tango has been adapted so that either partner can lead and the roles can switch mid-tango. It makes for a series of improvised, playful manoeuvres that give the 19th-century dance a new twist.... MORE          

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